3D to Reality

Let us take you on a journey that transforms fantasy into reality. A project where dreams do come true, and where the extraordinary does happen. Come with us to see how we go from a wish through a 3D model into reality.

A project where dreams do come true, and where the extraordinary does happen.

Our journey takes place in a Centre Ville apartment, at the 8th floor of a high-rise. Where a new tenant wanted to turn a once vacant apartment into a testimony of elegance and comfort. Our work scope included the bedroom, a hall room, and a dining room.

From furniture to accessories and from curtains to wall paintings. We were tasked with the complete renovation and uplifting of this gorgeous apartment into an outright home.


Furniture - Fabric & Curtains - Accessories


Spot Design


3 Months


Downtown Beirut, Lebanon

Project Brief

To begin with, our interior designers worked on producing a dreamy interior that combined minimalistic features with our clients’ artistic personality. In order to accomplish this brief,  elegant but minimalistic furniture pieces were paired with artistic wall decor and paintings.

3D Result

For this purpose, the 3D plans showcased furniture sets with minimal to no accessories. The main décor pieces were wall features and paintings which created a dreamy ambience. while for the furniture sets themselves, the accessory arrangement ranged from single pieces to few sets depending on the general ambience required of the space.

3D dining room 1

Turning 3D into Reality

Few plans ever get to fruition the way their planners intended for. However, this project; for the most part, was an exception. When it came time to deliver the end products, our featured pieces fitted perfectly into place. The dining table, console, couches, arm chairs, curtains, paintings, and even the side tables.

The only change to the 3D model were the 2 center tables for the salons. While the same center tables were used, we elected to interchange the two, as we felt it better complimented the overall aesthetics.

Devil in the Details

Some keen-eyed observers might argue that the “After” images lack any accessories. This is because these photos were taken as the final touches of renovations were still taking place. As you can see from the following image, the last minutes fixes to to the ceilings and walls were still taking place.


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Dining Room - 3D to Reality

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